30 different honeypots in one package! (dhcp, dns, elastic, ftp, http proxy, https proxy, http, https, imap, ipp, irc, ldap, memcache, mssql, mysql, ntp, oracle, pjl, pop3, postgres, rdp, redis, sip, ...
19 Customizable honeypots for monitoring network traffic, bots activities and username\password credentials (DNS, HTTP Proxy, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, POP3, IMAP, STMP, RDP, VNC, SMB, SOCKS5, Redis, TELNET, ...
Tutorial on how to create your own honeypot erc20/ bep20 tokens and listing to Uniswap
#Awesome#an awesome list of active defense resources
Detects CanaryTokens in Office docs and PDFs (docx, xlsx, pptx, pdf) without triggering alerts.
#区块链#This repo collects almost all the smart contract honeypots that you could find in the first three pages of Google search.
Signature based honeypot detector tool written in Golang
Simple ESP8266 / ESP32 Canary that simulates predefined application server and notifies you using E-mail, Telegram, etc if it was accessed.
Honeyscanner: A vulnerability analyzer for honeypots
Capture passwords of login attempts on non-existent and disabled accounts.
⚱️ 💊 🔐 #1st Time On Internet - Check If Token is honeypot or not 🥇
Highly customizable low-interaction experimental honeypot that mimics specific hosts.
The Attacker IP Prioritizer(AIP) dynamically generates resource-friendly IPv4 blocklists from Zeek network flows.
#大语言模型#Interactive, dynamic, and realistic LLM honeypots
How to create honeypot token ? Step by step guide and learn how to list them into dex exchanges.