安全、快捷、高交互、企业级的蜜罐管理系统,护网;支持多种协议蜜罐、蜜签、诱饵等功能。A safe, fast, highly interactive and enterprise level honeypot management system, supports multiple protocol honeypots, honeytokens, baits and other functions...
honeyλ - a simple, serverless application designed to create and monitor fake HTTP endpoints (i.e. URL honeytokens) automatically, on top of AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway
Deception based detection techniques mapped to the MITRE’s ATT&CK framework
A PoC tool designed to enhance the effectiveness of your traps by spreading breadcrumbs & honeytokens across your systems to lure the attacker toward your honeypots
#Awesome#An awesome list of resources on deception-based security with honeypots and honeytokens
Detects CanaryTokens in Office docs and PDFs (docx, xlsx, pptx, pdf) without triggering alerts.
Add a layer of active defense to your cloud applications.
A Heroku-based web honeypot that can be used to create and monitor fake HTTP endpoints (i.e. honeytokens).
Windows version of honeybits - a PoC tool to create breadcrumbs and honeytokens, to lead the attackers to your honeypots!
SneakPeeker is a tool for finding and removing Canary tokens.
Deceptive Operations: Lure, Observe, and Secure Tool
#安全#Acra poison records example project: see how to prevent malicious SELECT * queries to your SQL database
Honeytoken Infrastructure as Code Framework?? That seems too ambitious...