🍯 T-Pot - The All In One Multi Honeypot Platform 🐝
翻译 - 🍯T-Pot-多合一蜜罐平台🐝
Cowrie SSH/Telnet Honeypot https://docs.cowrie.org/
翻译 - Cowrie SSH / Telnet蜜罐http://cowrie.readthedocs.io
安全、快捷、高交互、企业级的蜜罐管理系统,护网;支持多种协议蜜罐、蜜签、诱饵等功能。A safe, fast, highly interactive and enterprise level honeypot management system, supports multiple protocol honeypots, honeytokens, baits and other functions...
HellPot is a cross-platform portal to endless suffering meant to punish unruly HTTP bots.
#大语言模型#A secure low code honeypot framework, leveraging AI for System Virtualization.
honeyλ - a simple, serverless application designed to create and monitor fake HTTP endpoints (i.e. URL honeytokens) automatically, on top of AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway
OWASP Honeypot, Automated Deception Framework.
A web honeypot library to create vulnerable-looking endpoints to detect and mislead attackers
Deception based detection techniques mapped to the MITRE’s ATT&CK framework
A PoC tool designed to enhance the effectiveness of your traps by spreading breadcrumbs & honeytokens across your systems to lure the attacker toward your honeypots
A PowerShell module to deploy active directory decoy objects.
#计算机科学#Voice stress analysis (VSA) aims to differentiate between stressed and non-stressed outputs in response to stimuli (e.g., questions posed), with high stress seen as an indication of deception. In this...
Add a layer of active defense to your cloud applications.