Thefatrat a massive exploiting tool : Easy tool to generate backdoor and easy tool to post exploitation attack like browser attack and etc . This tool compiles a malware with popular payload and then ...
翻译 - 该fatrat一个巨大的利用工具:生成后门的简易工具和发布浏览器攻击等攻击的简易工具。此工具会编译具有有效负载的恶意软件,然后可以在Windows,Android,Mac上执行编译的恶意软件。使用此工具创建的恶意软件还具有绕过大多数AV软件保护的功能。
The LAZY script will make your life easier, and of course faster.
An Python Script For Generating Payloads that Bypasses All Antivirus so far .
Loading BOF & ShellCode without executable permission memory.
Red Team C2 Framework with AV/EDR bypass capabilities.
windows-rs shellcode loaders
Very powerful stealer + miner + rat + keylogger + clipper
#安全#Armor is a simple Bash script designed to create encrypted macOS payloads capable of evading antivirus scanners.
RAT-el is an open source penetration test tool that allows you to take control of a windows machine. It works on the client-server model, the server sends commands and the client executes the commands...
Malware indetectable, with AV bypass techniques, anti-disassembly, etc.
翻译 - 借助AV旁路技术,反拆卸等功能,无法检测到恶意软件。
Very powerful stealer + miner + rat + keylogger + clipper
免杀知识库 | 开源免杀木马效果测试 360 火绒 卡巴斯基 Microsoft Defender | 免杀工具汇总
BypassAV ShellCode Loader (Cobaltstrike/Metasploit)
Magical obfuscator, supports obfuscating EXE, BOF, and ShellCode.
Very powerful stealer + miner + rat + keylogger + clipper
Generate DLL Hijacking Payload in batches.
Huorong Internet Security vulnerabilities 火绒安全软件漏洞