Defeating Windows User Account Control
翻译 - 击败Windows用户帐户控制
An Python Script For Generating Payloads that Bypasses All Antivirus so far .
Windows 8.1 and 10 UAC bypass abusing WinSxS in "dccw.exe".
Automated Tool That Generates The Perfect Meterpreter Powershell Payload
Bypass UAC by hijacking a DLL located in the Native Image Cache
New UAC bypass for Silent Cleanup for CobaltStrike
Python Obfuscator to generate One-Liners and FUD Payloads.
Bypass UAC by abusing the Internet Explorer Add-on installer
fud uac-bypass for win 10-11, from user to system
UAC bypass abusing WinSxS in "wusa.exe". Referred from and similar to: , Kudos to L3cr0f and FuzzySecurity for their efforts
Bypass UAC at any level by abusing the Task Scheduler and environment variables
A PowerShell malware that disables all the Windows Security features with UAC Bypass and Anti-VM features. (Designed to work both as a powershell script and as an executable (.exe) file.)
Bypass UAC by abusing the Security Center CPL and hijacking a shell protocol handler
Jarbou3 is rat tool coded in python with C&C which can accept multiple connections from clients
Bypass UAC by abusing the Windows Defender Firewall Control Panel, environment variables, and shell protocol handlers
Bypass windows eventlogs & Sysmon
Bypass UAC by abusing shell protocol handlers
Bypass Windows UAC Tool
A Blooded Bayonet for Firewall Throat Cutting. DNS THROATCUTTER