Cobalt Strike script for ScareCrow payloads intergration (EDR/AV evasion)
基于 OPSEC 的 CobaltStrike 后渗透自动化链
New UAC bypass for Silent Cleanup for CobaltStrike
Cobalt Strike AggressorScripts For Red Team
Aggressorscript that turns the headless aggressor client into a (mostly) functional cobalt strike client.
Project to enumerate proxy configurations and generate shellcode from CobaltStrike
翻译 - 枚举代理配置并从CobaltStrike生成Shellcode的项目
使用免费支持微信模板消息推送的 PushPlus 进行上线主机提醒
CobaltStike 挂载脚本将上线主机信息通过 Server 酱通知到微信
Cobalt strike CNA script to notify you via Discord whenever there is a new beacon.
Aggressor Notification Scripts for cobaltstrike via slack & discord
Probably the easiest way to setup new beacon notifications in Cobalt Strike
A Cobalt Strike Aggressor Script that aims to help prevent errant Cobalt Strike commands from being executed on non-whitelisted / off-target / out-of-scope / unapproved IPv4 addresses.
A demo of the relevant blog post: Introduction to Beacon Object Files
A Cobalt Strike Beacon Notifier Via Telegram Bot.