Fake Windows logon screen to steal passwords
翻译 - 伪造的Windows登录屏幕可窃取密码
Practice Go programming and implement CobaltStrike's Beacon in Go
翻译 - 练习Go编程并在Go中实现CobaltStrike的Beacon
PowerShell rebuilt in C# for Red Teaming purposes
翻译 - 在C#中重建PowerShell以实现Red Teaming目的
Quick python utility I wrote to turn HTTP requests from burp suite into Cobalt Strike Malleable C2 profiles
Local Privilege Escalation Edition for CVE-2021-1675/CVE-2021-34527
翻译 - CVE-2021-1675 的本地提权版
cobaltstrike4.x版本破解、去除checksum8特征、bypass BeaconEye、修复错误路径泄漏stage、增加totp双因子认证
Cobalt wipe is the non-commercial version of Cobalt-Strike 4.3 (May 2021 Release)
翻译 - Cobalt Wipe 是 Cobalt-Strike 4.3(2021 年 5 月发布)的非商业版本
Project to enumerate proxy configurations and generate shellcode from CobaltStrike
翻译 - 枚举代理配置并从CobaltStrike生成Shellcode的项目
Cobalt Strike 4.5 cracked version.
翻译 - Cobalt Strike 4.5破解版。
cobaltstrike4.5版本破/解、去除checksum8特征、bypass BeaconEye、修复错误路径泄漏stage、增加totp双因子验证等
Undetectable Loader for Cobalt Strike Using Syscalls And A External Shellcode
翻译 - 使用系统调用和外部 Shellcode 检测 Cobalt Strike 的加载器