Collection of Aggressor scripts for Cobalt Strike 3.0+ pulled from multiple sources
翻译 - 从多个来源提取的Cobalt Strike 3.0+ Aggressor脚本集合
My collection of battle-tested Aggressor Scripts for Cobalt Strike 4.0+
Ladon 911 for Cobalt Strike & Cracked Download,Large Network Penetration Scanner, vulnerability / exploit / detection / MS17010 / password/brute-force/psexec/atexec/sshexec/webshell/smbexec/netcat/oss...
翻译 - Ladon for Cobalt Strike & Cracked 下载,大型网络渗透扫描器,漏洞/利用/检测/MS17010/密码/brute-force/psexec/atexec/sshexec/webshell/smbexec/netcat/osscan/netscan/struts2Poc/weblogicExp
Aggressor scripts for use with Cobalt Strike 3.0+
Aggressor Script, Kits, Malleable C2 Profiles, External C2 and so on
A .NET XOR encrypted cobalt strike aggressor implementation for chisel to utilize faster proxy and advanced socks5 capabilities.
基于 OPSEC 的 CobaltStrike 后渗透自动化链
#安卓#CrossC2 developed based on the Cobalt Strike framework can be used for other cross-platform system control. CrossC2Kit provides some interfaces for users to call to manipulate the CrossC2 Beacon sessi...
A collection of useful scripts for Cobalt Strike
Automating EDR Testing with reference to MITRE ATTACK via Cobalt Strike [Purple Team].
Aggressorscript that turns the headless aggressor client into a (mostly) functional cobalt strike client.
使用免费支持微信模板消息推送的 PushPlus 进行上线主机提醒
CobaltStike 挂载脚本将上线主机信息通过 Server 酱通知到微信
A collection of Cobalt Strike Aggressor scripts.
Homemade Aggressor scripts kit for Cobalt Strike
Smart overlay for Cobalt Strike PS function
A collection of Cobalt Strike aggressor scripts
Cobalt Strike automation scripts collection