#计算机科学#Ray is an AI compute engine. Ray consists of a core distributed runtime and a set of AI Libraries for accelerating ML workloads.
翻译 - 一个快速简单的框架,用于构建和运行分布式应用程序。 Ray与RLlib(可扩展的强化学习库)和Tune(可扩展的超参数调整库)打包在一起。
#计算机科学#The AI developer platform. Use Weights & Biases to train and fine-tune models, and manage models from experimentation to production.
翻译 - 🔥用于可视化和跟踪机器学习实验的工具。此存储库包含CLI和Python API。
Automated Machine Learning with scikit-learn
翻译 - 使用scikit-learn进行自动化机器学习
#计算机科学#Determined is an open-source machine learning platform that simplifies distributed training, hyperparameter tuning, experiment tracking, and resource management. Works with PyTorch and TensorFlow.
翻译 - 确定:深度学习培训平台
#计算机科学#Sequential model-based optimization with a `scipy.optimize` interface
翻译 - 具有`scipy.optimize`接口的基于模型的顺序优化
A training framework for Stable Baselines3 reinforcement learning agents, with hyperparameter optimization and pre-trained agents included.
A collection of 100+ pre-trained RL agents using Stable Baselines, training and hyperparameter optimization included.
SMAC3: A Versatile Bayesian Optimization Package for Hyperparameter Optimization
#自然语言处理#OCTIS: Comparing Topic Models is Simple! A python package to optimize and evaluate topic models (accepted at EACL2021 demo track)
#计算机科学#The world's cleanest AutoML library ✨ - Do hyperparameter tuning with the right pipeline abstractions to write clean deep learning production pipelines. Let your pipeline steps have hyperparameter spa...
#计算机科学#Hyperparameter optimization that enables researchers to experiment, visualize, and scale quickly.
#计算机科学#Library for Semi-Automated Data Science
#计算机科学#Population Based Training (in PyTorch with sqlite3). Status: Unsupported
Auto-optimizing a neural net (and its architecture) on the CIFAR-100 dataset. Could be easily transferred to another dataset or another classification task.
🔬 Some personal research code on analyzing CNNs. Started with a thorough exploration of Stanford's Tiny-Imagenet-200 dataset.
Distribution transparent Machine Learning experiments on Apache Spark
#计算机科学#Black-box optimization library
Nomadic is an enterprise-grade framework for teams to continuously optimize compound AI systems
Hyperparameter search for AllenNLP - powered by Ray TUNE
#计算机科学#An AutoRecSys library for Surprise. Automate algorithm selection and hyperparameter tuning 🚀