Color conversion & manipulation library by the editors of the CSS Color specifications
A comprehensive color library for JavaScript.
Python toolbox for lighting and color science
nQuantCpp includes top 6 color quantization algorithms for visual c++ producing high quality optimized images.
A header-only C++11 library for colors; color space converters for RGB, HSL, XYZ, Lab, etc. and perceptual color difference calculators such as CIEDE2000
Extensive collection of color spaces and color models
A custom color wheel extension for Adobe Photoshop
RGB to XYZ Converter + RGB/XYZ to CIELAB Converter + Delta-E Calculator - Implemented in C++
A command line tool that accepts hex or RGB color values and returns the color's name
A colorscheme creation micro-framework for Neovim
𝜟𝜱✴︎ or Delta Phi Star is a variant method of determining lightness contrast, and a sibling of APCA and SACAM. It is a simplified version using easily invertible standardized maths, however it lacks...
Fast pairwise nearest neighbor based algorithm with C# console
Source code for the paper "Reliable Deep Learning Plant Leaf Disease Classification Based on Light-Chroma Separated Branches".
🎨 Color utilities for Node.js. Conversion, modification, and color schemes of: RGB (at any bit depth), HSV, HSL, HSI, HSP, CYMK, YIQ, XYZ, xyY, L*a*b*, L*u*v*, Y'PbPr, Y'CbCr, and more.