syft 是一个 CLI 工具和 Go 库,用于从容器镜像和文件系统生成软件物料清单(SBOM)
scanner detecting the use of JavaScript libraries with known vulnerabilities. Can also generate an SBOM of the libraries it finds.
Dependency-Track is an intelligent Component Analysis platform that allows organizations to identify and reduce risk in the software supply chain.
EMBA - The firmware security analyzer
翻译 - emba-一种用于基于Linux的嵌入式设备固件的分析器。
🔍 ScanCode detects licenses, copyrights, dependencies by "scanning code" ... to discover and inventory open source and third-party packages used in your code. Sponsored by NLnet project https://nl...
翻译 - :mag_right:ScanCode通过扫描代码来检测许可证,版权,软件包清单和依赖项等,以发现并清点代码中使用的开源和第三方软件包。
The SBOM tool is a highly scalable and enterprise ready tool to create SPDX 2.2 compatible SBOMs for any variety of artifacts.
A suite of tools to automate software compliance checks.
DevSecOps for Air Gap & Limited-Connection Systems.
HummerRisk 是云原生安全平台,包括混合云安全治理和云原生安全检测。
LunaSec - Dependency Security Scanner that automatically notifies you about vulnerabilities like Log4Shell or node-ipc in your Pull Requests and Builds. Protect yourself in 30 seconds with the LunaTra...
翻译 - LunaSec - 安全性和合规性 SDK,可阻止软件中的数据泄漏。只需几行代码,LunaSec 就在您的堆栈中添加了零信任架构、独特的每记录加密以及针对 XSS、SQL 注入和 RCE 等常见安全问题的保护。在这里现场试用:
OpenClarity is an open source tool built to enhance security and observability of cloud native applications and infrastructure
The CVE Binary Tool helps you determine if your system includes known vulnerabilities. You can scan binaries for over 350 common, vulnerable components (openssl, libpng, libxml2, expat and others), or...
GUAC aggregates software security metadata into a high fidelity graph database.
OWASP dep-scan is a next-generation security and risk audit tool based on known vulnerabilities, advisories, and license limitations for project dependencies. Both local repositories and container ima...
OpenSCA is an open source software supply chain security solution that supports the detection of open source dependencies, vulnerabilities and license compliance with a widely noticed accuracy by the ...
翻译 - OpenSCA 是一种软件组合分析 (SCA) 解决方案,支持检测开源组件依赖项和漏洞。
Tern is a software composition analysis tool and Python library that generates a Software Bill of Materials for container images and Dockerfiles. The SBOM that Tern generates will give you a layer-by-...
A minimal specification for purl aka. a package "mostly universal" URL, join the discussion at
Make production Rust binaries auditable
Creates CycloneDX Bill of Materials (BOM) for your projects from source and container images. Supports many languages and package managers. Integrate in your CI/CD pipeline with automatic submission t...