A site to provide non-judgmental guidance on choosing a license for your open source project
翻译 - 提供有关为开源项目选择许可证的非判断性指南的站点
🔍 ScanCode detects licenses, copyrights, dependencies by "scanning code" ... to discover and inventory open source and third-party packages used in your code. Sponsored by NLnet project https://nl...
翻译 - :mag_right:ScanCode通过扫描代码来检测许可证,版权,软件包清单和依赖项等,以发现并清点代码中使用的开源和第三方软件包。
Microsoft 365 licensing diagrams
翻译 - Microsoft 365许可图
Software licensing, copy protection in C++. It has few dependencies and it's cross-platform.
A Ruby gem to cache and verify the licenses of dependencies
翻译 - 一个用于缓存和验证依赖项许可证的Ruby gem
A Ruby Gem to detect under what license a project is distributed.
翻译 - 一个Ruby Gem,用于检测以何种许可证分发项目。
Easy-to-use licensing library for .NET Framework, Mono, .NET Core, and MAUI / Xamarin products
📜 Cargo plugin to generate list of all licenses for a crate 🦀
Various data formats for the SPDX License List including RDFa, HTML, Text, and JSON
reuse is a tool for compliance with the REUSE recommendations.
A lightweight python code protector, makes your python project harder to reverse engineer
Software licensing and registration using digital signatures and public cryptography 🪪
Welcome to the VMware ESXi License Keys! Here, you'll find a curated collection of free license keys for various versions, including vSphere 6 and 7
A tool & library to detect open source licenses from texts
A full-featured license tool to check and fix license headers and resolve dependencies' licenses.
Analyzes license information for multiple node.js modules (package.json files) as part of your software project.
Software copy protection against cracking & reverse engineering with anti-cracking & anti-debugging techniques. Software license key system with time trial options.
A Python library to parse, validate and create SPDX documents.