📦 Make security testing of K8s, Docker, and Containerd easier.
翻译 - CDK是一个开放源代码的容器渗透工具包,可在不依赖任何操作系统的情况下,在不同的瘦容器中进行稳定利用。它带有有用的网络工具,许多强大的PoC / EXP可帮助您轻松逃脱容器并接管K8s集群。
☁️ ⚡ Granular, Actionable Adversary Emulation for the Cloud
翻译 - ☁️ :zap:云的粒度、可操作的对手仿真。
HummerRisk 是云原生安全平台,包括混合云安全治理和云原生安全检测。
Metarget is a framework providing automatic constructions of vulnerable infrastructures.
Tool for building Kubernetes attack paths
Kubernetes Security Checklist and Requirements - All in One (authentication, authorization, logging, secrets, configuration, network, workloads, dockerfile)
AWS云平台 AccessKey 泄漏利用工具
awesome resources about cloud native security 🐿
An ongoing curated list of awesome frameworks, important books, articles, talks, libraries, learning tutorials, best practices and technical resources about Cloud Native Development
Web Appliaction Firewall reverse-proxy using Coraza WAF + Caddy with ready-to-use rulesets
Github space for Ovidiu Cical - CEO & Founder of Cyscale