📦 Make security testing of K8s, Docker, and Containerd easier.
翻译 - CDK是一个开放源代码的容器渗透工具包,可在不依赖任何操作系统的情况下,在不同的瘦容器中进行稳定利用。它带有有用的网络工具,许多强大的PoC / EXP可帮助您轻松逃脱容器并接管K8s集群。
:atom: [WIP] 整理过去的分享,从零开始的Kubernetes攻防 🧐
HITB SECCONF EDU CTF 2021. Developed with ❤️ by Hackerdom team and HITB.
HITB SECCONF CTF 2022. Developed with ❤️ by Hackerdom team and HITB.
HITB SECCONF CTF 2023. Developed with ❤️ by Hackerdom team and HITB.
Industrial Cybersecurity Conference Index
HITB PRO CTF 2021. Developed with ♥ by Hackerdom team and HITB.
HITB PRO CTF 2019. Developed with ♥ by Hackerdom team and HITB.