🔥 JavaScript talks you have to see 📺 on functional programming, performance, frameworks, React, debugging, leveling up, and more! ⚡️
#UI框架#🔥 CSS talks you have to see ⚡️ covering CSS Grid, flexbox, custom variables, performance, frameworks, Sass, tools, and more! 🚀
#Awesome#list of interesting conference talks and videos on PHP -
翻译 - 有关PHP的有趣的会议演讲和视频的列表-
#安卓#🎥 Recorded session from Android and Kotlin oriented conferences
ROPfuscator is a fine-grained code obfuscation framework for C/C++ programs using ROP (return-oriented programming).
🍿 Free and open-source tech video hub.
翻译 - 🍿免费和开源技术视频中心。
#Awesome#Presentations that programmers should watch
#Awesome#🎙 A collection of awesome engineering podcasts! ARCHIVED in favor of https://github.com/rShetty/awesome-podcasts
#算法刷题#Syntaxmeets. Create rooms 🏠 Call your friends 👬🏼 Sip Chai, ☕ Chat, Create, and Code👨💻. A coding platform to code simultaneously 🚀 with your friends and design your algorithms on SyntaxPad.💫✨
LaTeX/XeLaTeX templates for academic publications: articles, dissertations, posters, and bachelor’s/master’s theses
Resources for the book Clean code in Python, and material for the talk at EuroPython 2016
[RU] Frontend events, talks, meetups
#安卓#Usage of WebRTC for voice & video call with peer-to-peer or conference with Login and Register screen using response & Async storage with Call Dis/Connect, Failed and Idle views in react native. Youtu...
#Awesome#Best of WebRTC: Elevate with Top Projects! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
An open source conference management tool
Open-source and crowd-sourced conference speakers website
Showcasing speakers' proposals and timelines in an effort to demystify the CFP process and help new speakers get started.
Notes and reproducible code for the 'Docker for R' useR-2022 conference workshop
#前端开发#⚠️ Development is currently on hold 🎥 An open source index of already recorded and scheduled conference talks to help you decide if you should go. Built for all developers 👩💻👨💻