Netmaker makes networks with WireGuard. Netmaker automates fast, secure, and distributed virtual networks.
翻译 - Netmaker制造网络。 Netmaker使在所有环境中的联网变得轻松,快速和安全。
8 Lessons, Kick-start Your Cybersecurity Learning.
Pomerium is an identity and context-aware access proxy.
翻译 - Pomerium是一个身份识别访问代理。
Boundary enables identity-based access management for dynamic infrastructure.
翻译 - 边界支持对动态基础架构进行基于身份的访问管理。
The parent project for OpenZiti. Here you will find the executables for a fully zero trust, application embedded, programmable network @OpenZiti
Geo-scale, next-generation peer-to-peer sharing platform built on top of OpenZiti.
Condensation is a zero-trust distributed database that ensures data ownership and data security
翻译 - 冷凝是一个零信任分布式数据库,可确保数据所有权和数据安全性