Pomerium is an identity and context-aware access proxy.
翻译 - Pomerium是一个身份识别访问代理。
Official helm charts for Pomerium.
Traefik with Pomerium in Forward Auth and Proxy mode on Kubernetes with Helm/Helmfile
An operator for running Pomerium on a Kubernetes cluster.
Pomerium Kubernetes Ingress Controller
Cross Platform Desktop Application for establishing TCP connections through Pomerium
A forward authentication / authorisation (authN) implementation of Envoy External Authorization (ext_authz), built with Contour, and Pomerium in mind.
Example of vuepress and an auth proxy integration
Config generator for Pomerium with Role-based Access Control locally.
Kubernetes recipe for Pomerium Identity Aware Proxy
Kustomize configurations for deploying the Pomerium ingress controller on Kubernetes within the GlueOps platform. Includes patches for generating secrets, customizing deployment resources, node select...
Exercise to Implement Pomerium with Dex on K8S Cluster for Single-Sign-On System