In computer programming, the async/await pattern is a syntactic feature of many programming languages that allows an asynchronous, non-blocking function to be structured in a way similar to an ordinary synchronous function, and is primarily intended to provide opportunities for the program to execute other code while waiting for a long-running, asynchronous task to complete, usually represented by promises or similar data structures.
Ultra fast asyncio event loop.
翻译 - 超快速异步事件循环。
Trio – a friendly Python library for async concurrency and I/O
翻译 - Trio –友好的Python库,用于异步并发和I / O
#Awesome#Promise packages, patterns, chat, and tutorials
Async version of the Rust standard library
翻译 - Rust标准库的异步版本
A helper library for async/await.
翻译 - 异步/等待的帮助程序库。
A library of C++ coroutine abstractions for the coroutines TS
翻译 - 用于协程TS的C ++协程抽象库
A GraphQL server library implemented in Rust
翻译 - rust实现的GraphQL服务器库
Async await wrapper for easy error handling without try-catch
翻译 - 异步等待包装器,可轻松处理错误,而无需尝试捕获
Modern concurrency for C++. Tasks, executors, timers and C++20 coroutines to rule them all
Async/await first CQRS+ES and DDD framework for .NET
翻译 - 异步/等待第一个.NET的CQRS + ES和DDD框架
Actionhero is a realtime multi-transport nodejs API Server with integrated cluster capabilities and delayed tasks
Node.js framework made by a former @expressjs TC and @koajs team member. Built for @forwardemail, @spamscanner, @breejs, @cabinjs, and @lassjs.
Cheatsheet for promises and async/await.
High level asynchronous concurrency and networking framework that works on top of either trio or asyncio
Restate is the platform for building resilient applications that tolerate all infrastructure faults w/o the need for a PhD.
Asynchronous flow control (promises, generators, observables, CSP, etc)
Map over promises concurrently
EA Async implements async-await methods in the JVM.
Queuer is a queue manager, built on top of OperationQueue and Dispatch (aka GCD).
asyncio historical repository