Asynchronous flow control (promises, generators, observables, CSP, etc)
#编辑器#Graph / node editor in the browser using VueJS
Rule engine/process engine, committed to solving flexible and complex hard-coded problems, for complex/flexibly changing business, provide a new abstract orchestration solution that is lightweight, hi...
A Python concurrency scheduling library, compatible with asyncio and trio.
TaskChain Control Flow framework. Helps facilitate running tasks on an application's "Main Thread" (such as a game), and tasks off the main (async).
extremly light uart library for AVR 8 bit microcontrollers
SLANG engine written in Go
C# co-routine Kernel for .Net. Includes Futures, Barriers, Triggers, Timers and Groups. Gamasutra article provides extra documentation.
Group together synchronous and asynchronous tasks and execute them with support for concurrency, naming, and nesting.
#安卓#Avoid complex flows between fragments/views/whatever
Elixir style cond for easy javascript control flow
Enhanced concurrency primitives for Javascript.
A tiny Promise-inspired control flow library for browser and Node.js.
Build, execute and represent pipelines (aka workflows / templates) in Go
Flow control harness for implementors. Builds a Deferred object that supports async/await, promise chaining, and conventional Node callbacks.
Python driver and command line tool for Alicat mass flow controllers.