Fluent Bit 是一个快速、轻量级日志采集、转发器, 可运行在 Linux、MacOS、Windows、嵌入式系统中
Type safe SQL builder with code generation and automatic query result data mapping
SQL data analysis & visualization projects using MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Tableau, Apache Spark and pySpark.
Spring Boot integration with p6spy, datasource-proxy, flexy-pool and spring-cloud-sleuth
Generate type-safe Go for any Postgres query. If Postgres can run the query, pggen can generate code for it.
Fully automated database experiments. THIS IS A MIRROR OF https://gitlab.com/postgres.ai/nancy
The scripts, tools, and queries provided here are fully compatible with System Center Operations Manager.
#前端开发#This is a SQL based database management system for E-commerce website. (Mostly Backend Part). Objective of this database project is to design a robust database for Ecommerce website.
Show case for how to integrate apache ignite with spring boot plus using the durable memory feature and sql queries over ignite in memory caches
#安全#An ongoing & curated collection of awesome software libraries, learning tutorials, Useful links & scripts, tools, resources and cool stuff about Microsoft SQL Server
Collection of SQL queries for use with Sierra ILS. Created and maintained by Jeremy Goldstein for test purposes only. Use at your own risk. Not supported by the Minuteman Library Network.
Application to compare results of two SQL queries
User management and authentication through arbitrary SQL queries for Nextcloud
This repository contains a collection of SQL scripts demonstrating various analytical techniques, such as changes over time, cumulative, performance, data segmentation, part-to-whole analysis.
#博客#This repo contains notes on SQL and PostgreSQL
.NET SQL builder that emulates writing SQL.
Flat-file SQL (fSQL) is a set of classes available in PHP that allows users without SQL database servers to select and manipulate flat-file data using SQL queries.
Lightweight library for working with high performance bulk updates & materialized data in SQL Server with support for Identity columns, Annotations, Materialization from disparate systems, etc.
Diseño, implementación y consultas a una base de datos SQL con MySQL para almacenar la información referente a las asignaturas, alumnos, profesores y los cursos de una universidad.