Python SQL Parser and Transpiler
Free open source office suite with business productivity tools: document and project management, CRM, mail aggregator.
翻译 - 具有业务生产力工具的免费开源办公套件:文档和项目管理,CRM,邮件聚合器。
#Awesome#Useful links, scripts, tools and best practice for Microsoft SQL Server Database
Templates for naming convention - TSQL, JavaScript, C#, R, Python, Powershell
Statically typechecks a common SQL dialect and translates it to various RDBMS backends
Library Written in C# For Parsing SQL Server T-SQL Scripts in .Net
A box of tricks (SQL scripts) that I've built up over many years for Microsoft SQL Server instance and database administration, and general working-with-data.
dbt adapter for SQL Server and Azure SQL
Инструменты обслуживания и разработки для Microsoft SQL Server, а также другие интересности
Open-source Repository of Useful Scripts and Solutions for Microsoft Data Platform Administrators
Simple DDL Parser to parse SQL (HQL, TSQL, AWS Redshift, BigQuery, Snowflake and other dialects) ddl files to json/python dict with full information about columns: types, defaults, primary keys, etc. ...
Ferramentas e Scripts úteis para DBAs e Dev SQL
A simple tool for databases : SqlServer, MySql, Oracle, Postgres and SQLite
📕 Various example reports I use for Microsoft Report Server (SSRS & PBIRS) as well as documents for unit testing, requirements and a style guide template.
SQL Server Toolbox by the Sparkhound SQL Team
Data Analyst portfolio project that deals with business KPIs, cleaning and transforming data and visualizing it to create a dashboard. The tools used are: SQL Server, T-SQL, Excel and Power BI.
Our ♡ collection of PowerShell scripts and Endpoint Management related stuff 🐵
🛠️ T-SQL scripts for the long haul: optimizing storage, on-the-fly documentation, and general administrative needs.