PowerShell functions and scripts (Azure, Active Directory, SCCM, SCSM, Exchange, O365, ...)
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Create evergreen Windows image build pipelines with the latest version numbers and download URLs for common applications
Creates ConfigMgr Applications using XML Recipe Files
Lifecycle management for the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables
Scripts, samples and much more...
Make Windows 10/11, Windows Server enterprise ready with OS and default user profile customisations and optimisations. Support Windows PCs and VDI
Our ♡ collection of PowerShell scripts and Endpoint Management related stuff 🐵
A packaging factory for Microsoft Intune using Evergreen, VcRedist, and IntuneWin32App
Our ♡ collection of PowerShell scripts and SCCM related stuff :)
A PowerShell script that will tell you what folders are not used by Microsoft Endpoint Manager Configuration Manager.
PowerShell module used for managing Microsoft Endpoint Manager Configuration Manager distribution point content.
This PowerShell module contains functions for creating and managing WMI Namespaces, Classes and Instances.
PowerShell Module for managing the MEMCM client