Collect, aggregate, and visualize a data ecosystem's metadata
.NET CRUD generator library with Bootstrap support to create dynamic forms at runtime from a data dictionary.
🛠️ T-SQL scripts for the long haul: optimizing storage, on-the-fly documentation, and general administrative needs.
Generate data dictionary from a Salesforce Org. This tool can also generate a file that can be imported in Lucidchart to define entities and relationships.
The Public Health Environmental Surveillance Open Data Model (PHES-ODM, or ODM). A data model, dictionary and support tools for environmental surveillance.
Client tools and libraries to work with and test RESO Web APIs.
database schema and documents hub, aka 数据字典
RESO Transport Workgroup - Specifications and Change Proposals
An Interactive Viewer to View Feature Service Details
A case study about designing simple database system for a bookstore. This repository contains ERD design and SQL codes for design of bookstore database system. The main purpose of this system is to bu...
DbToys offers a set of utilities around database like view table design, exporting data dictionary, code generator. 提供一些围绕数据库的开发辅助功能,包括数据表结构快速查看、导出数据字典、通过模板生成代码等
Sphinx extension for Data Dictionary and Database Diagram
#数据仓库#Preparatory scripts for BIDS tabular phenotypic data in large neuroimaging datasets.
MySql Workbench Data Dictionary in HTML Format
#数据仓库#CKAN extension that extends the default CKAN Data Dictionary functionality by adding the possibility to create a data dictionary before actual data is uploaded to datastore.
Examples of SQL queries created for Customer and Sales Data Analysis study project