DBeaver 是一个通用的数据库管理工具和 SQL 客户端,支持 MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2, MSSQL, Sybase, Mimer, HSQLDB, Derby, 以及其他兼容 JDBC 的数据库。
#编辑器#Database diagrams editor that allows you to visualize and design your DB with a single query.
X6 是 AntV 旗下的图编辑引擎,提供了一系列开箱即用的交互组件和简单易用的节点定制能力,方便我们快速搭建 DAG 图、ER 图、流程图等应用。
Explore, document and optimize any database
Automatically generates beautiful and easy-to-read ER diagrams from your database.
#编辑器#Entity-Relationship Diagram Editor
Entity relationship diagrams for Python data model classes like Pydantic
ERD Online is an online collaborative data warehouse design software. It does not need to install applications locally and operate databases online. It is an excellent alternative to desktop data mode...
Generate the ERD as a code from dbt artifacts
Generate Entity Relationship diagrams for Typeorm powered projects.
ER model friendly data composition tool
Logseq plugin that lets you create diagrams from textual representation (aka 'Diagrams as Code'). It supports a wide range of diagram types and languages, including Mermaid, Graphviz, PlantUML, and ma...
ERD exporter with PlantUML and mermaid format
Automatically generate ERD Diagrams from Model's relations in Laravel