Mermaid 是一个基于 Javascript 的图表绘制工具,通过解析类似于 Markdown 的文本语法来实现图表的创建和动态修改。Mermaid 诞生的主要目的是让文档的更新能够及时跟上开发进度。可用于创建流程图、时序图、甘特图、类图、状态图、饼图等
A desktop application for fast UML diagramming.
PlantUML that runs completely on javascript without needing java/servers
Generate Entity Relationship diagrams for Typeorm powered projects.
PlantUML macros and other includes for Archimate Diagrams
CSE201: Advanced Programming Final Project | Re-implemented the strategy video game, Plants 🌱🌵 vs. Zombies 🧟♂️🧟♀️ , originally developed by PopCap Games | Working demo:
Realtime tool for generating sequence diagrams.
Google Chrome extension that replace PlantUML code blocks into preview images.
UmlCanvas is an implementation around the HTML5 Canvas that allows generation of UML diagrams. Two interfaces are provided: an OO Javascript API and a textual DSL.
Generate uml diagrams with Plantuml Server and push them to your repository.
Virtual Clinic - An Integrated Care System
An Awesome Repository On Object Oriented Programming In C++ Language. Ideal For Computer Science Undergraduates, This Repository Holds All The Resources Created And Used By Me - Code & Theory For One ...
This library provides skinning to create C4 diagrams using PlantUml
Doclet to generate UML diagrams for Javadoc using PlantUML.
Online tool to make your PlantUML diagrams look great.
Generate Class Diagrams (UML) for Given Swagger Definition
Contains documentation & code related to the project done by my team for the Object Oriented Analysis and Design laboratory course of my college.
UML Class Diagram Builder for InterSystems Data Platforms (2014.1+)
A Graph Editor implementing by Spring Boot, Kotlin, Java