🚀 Zero-downtime deployment out-of-the-box
翻译 - 🚀开箱即用的零停机时间部署
👀 Manage your views in Laravel projects through artisan
Display your Laravel routes in the console, but make it pretty. 😎
翻译 - 在控制台中显示您的Laravel路线,但要使其美观。 😎
A bookmarkable, searchable cheatsheet for Laravel's Artisan commands.
Simple but yet powerful library for running almost all artisan commands.
翻译 - 简单但功能强大的库,用于运行一些手工艺命令
Laravel 5.3+ Scaffold Generator, Support both bootstrap and Semantic UI
Laravel Craftsman CLI for easily crafting Laravel assets for any project (artisan make on steroids)
翻译 - Laravel Craftsman CLI,可轻松制作任何项目的Laravel资产(工匠在类固醇上制造)
Adds a way to write php and run it directly in Laravels' Artisan Tinker.
An artisan command to build up a database from scratch