CKAN extension for validating Data Packages using Table Schema.
Este repositorio contiene el código fuente de la plataforma del catálogo nacional de Datos Abiertos, implementada sobre el gestor de catálogos CKAN y el gestor de contenido DRUPAL.
CKAN extension that allows a user to create private datasets only visible to certain users. The extension provides also an API to specify which users can access private datasets
A plugin that allows users to request data that is not published yet
🔍 📊 🌏 CKAN extension that will provide data querying and story sharing with pre configured set of rules 📰 📋
#Awesome#🔩 📖 A curated list of awesome CKAN extensions 📖 🔩
#数据仓库#CKAN extension for
DE: Dieses Repository beinhaltet die Erweiterung von ckanext-dcat auf die Spezifikation EN: This is a specific CKAN extension for providing and importing data...
CKAN extension for the Italian Open Data Portals (DCAT_AP-IT)