#安卓#MediaPipe 是一个跨平台实时、流媒体机器学习解决方案。提供了人脸识别、人体姿势识别与跟踪、物体检测、自拍分割、即时运动跟踪等功能
Python ETL framework for stream processing, real-time analytics, LLM pipelines, and RAG.
A high-performance observability data pipeline.
翻译 - 用于构建可观察性管道的轻量级和超快速工具
flink learning blog. http://www.54tianzhisheng.cn/ 含 Flink 入门、概念、原理、实战、性能调优、源码解析等内容。涉及 Flink Connector、Metrics、Library、DataStream API、Table API & SQL 等内容的学习案例,还有 Flink 落地应用的大型项目案例(PVUV、日志存储、百亿数据实时去重、...
#Awesome#A curated list of awesome big data frameworks, ressources and other awesomeness.
#面试#A curated list of awesome System Design (A.K.A. Distributed Systems) resources.
翻译 - 精选的出色系统设计(A.K.A.分布式计算)资源列表。
Redpanda is a streaming data platform for developers. Kafka API compatible. 10x faster. No ZooKeeper. No JVM!
翻译 - Redpanda是现代应用程序的实时引擎。
Fancy stream processing made operationally mundane
翻译 - 普通任务和数据工程的声明式流处理
Building event-driven applications the easy way in Go.
翻译 - 在Go中轻松构建事件驱动的应用程序。
Python Stream Processing
Fluent Bit 是一个快速、轻量级日志采集、转发器, 可运行在 Linux、MacOS、Windows、嵌入式系统中
Hazelcast is a unified real-time data platform combining stream processing with a fast data store, allowing customers to act instantly on data-in-motion for real-time insights.
翻译 - 开源内存数据网格
Real-time Data Integration and Transformation: use SQL to transform, deliver, and act on fast-changing data.
翻译 - 流数据仓库
Upserts, Deletes And Incremental Processing on Big Data.
翻译 - 大数据的更新,删除和增量处理。
#计算机科学#🌊 Online machine learning in Python
翻译 - :custard:Python中的在线机器学习
Danfo.js is an open source, JavaScript library providing high performance, intuitive, and easy to use data structures for manipulating and processing structured data.
翻译 - danfo.js是一个开放源代码的JavaScript库,可提供高性能,直观且易于使用的数据结构来处理和处理结构化数据。
Lean and mean distributed stream processing system written in rust and web assembly. Alternative to Kafka + Flink in one.
Distributed stream processing engine in Rust
FastStream is a powerful and easy-to-use Python framework for building asynchronous services interacting with event streams such as Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, NATS and Redis.