Redis 是一款流行的内存型数据库,数据以键值对形式存储,常用作缓存和消息队列中间件。支持的数据类型有 Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, Streams, HyperLogLogs, Bitmaps。
#向量搜索引擎#Dragonfly 可能是最快的内存存储库,是Redis和Memcached替代品,完全兼容其API
Open source RabbitMQ: core server and tier 1 (built-in) plugins
翻译 - 开源多协议消息代理
#面试#A curated list of awesome System Design (A.K.A. Distributed Systems) resources.
翻译 - 精选的出色系统设计(A.K.A.分布式计算)资源列表。 is a highly scalable and effortless data streaming platform
Event-driven Infrastructure for Modern Cloud
This repo contains a sample application based on a Garage Management System for Pitstop - a fictitious garage. The primary goal of this sample is to demonstrate several software-architecture concepts ...
翻译 - 此仓库包含一个基于Pitstop车库管理系统的示例应用程序-虚拟车库。该示例的主要目标是演示几个软件体系结构概念,例如:微服务,CQRS,事件源,域驱动设计(DDD),最终一致性。
🍔 A practical and imaginary food delivery microservices, built with .Net 8, MassTransit, Domain-Driven Design, CQRS, Vertical Slice Architecture, Event-Driven Architecture, and the latest technologie...
🐺 Deploy Databases and Services Easily for Development and Testing Pipelines.
翻译 - 🐺 为开发和测试管道轻松部署数据库和服务。
Sample using micro services in .NET Core 3.1 Focusing on clean code
翻译 - 在.NET Core 3.1中使用微服务的示例着重于干净代码
KubeMQ is a Kubernetes native message queue broker
翻译 - KubeMQ 是一个 Kubernetes 原生的消息队列代理
MQTT Server/MQTT Broker - Scalable Distributed MQTT Message Broker for IoT in the 5G Era
A simple high-performance Redis message queue for Node.js.
Send messages to RabbitMQ from PostgreSQL
🌭 A practical and imaginary food and grocery delivery modular monolith, built with .Net 8, Domain-Driven Design, CQRS, Vertical Slice Architecture, Event-Driven Architecture, and the latest technolog...
🔊Minimalist message bus implementation for internal communication with zero-allocation magic on Emit
Go simple async message bus
Silverback is a simple but feature-rich message bus for .NET core (it currently supports Kafka, RabbitMQ and MQTT).
AMQP message broker implemented with golang