一款受 Express.js 启发的 Go 语言 Web 开发框架,基于 fasthttp
BetterDisplay 可用于在 Mac 创建虚拟高分辨率显示器然后以屏幕镜像形式输出到物理低分辨率显示器
A Reliable, Flexible, Fast and Powerful download engine.
翻译 - 可靠,灵活,快速和强大的下载引擎。
✨ Makes text fit perfectly
#安卓#🚀 Android 版本更新 🚀 a library for android version update 🚀
📊 A library of modular chart components built on D3
翻译 - :bar_chart:基于D3构建的模块化图表组件库
Flexible, reusable and concise configuration for Kubernetes
翻译 - Kubernetes的灵活,可重用和简洁的配置
#网络爬虫#Flexible Node.js AI-assisted crawler library
flex.css is declarative layout which is compatible with wechat, UC, webview and other main-stream mobile browser and surpports react, vue, angular.
翻译 - flex.css是声明性布局,与微信,UC,webview和其他主流移动浏览器兼容,并且支持反应,提示,角度。
#博客#Simple, Fast, Secure, Flat-File CMS
翻译 - 简单,快速,安全,平面文件CMS
The advanced vue cropper library that gives you opportunity to create your own croppers suited for any website design
The react cropper library that embraces power of the advanced cropper core to give the possibility to create croppers that exactly suited for your website design
#网络爬虫#A lightweight web crawler framework.(Java爬虫框架)
High Performance Software-Defined Object Storage for Big Data and AI, that supports Amazon S3 and Openstack Swift
A classy high-level Clojure library for defining application models and retrieving them from a DB
A Clojure(script) SQL library for building APIs: Datomic® (GraphQL-ish) pull syntax, data driven configuration, dynamic filtering with relations in mind