#Awesome#一个帮你提升 CSS 技巧的收藏集,附中文翻译
🌈 React for interactive command-line apps
翻译 - 🌈对交互式命令行应用程序做出反应
#UI框架#Spectre.css - A Lightweight, Responsive and Modern CSS Framework
翻译 - Spectre.css-轻巧,响应迅速的现代CSS框架
#UI框架#A minimalist CSS framework.
翻译 - 极简的CSS框架。
A collection of popular layouts and patterns made with CSS. Now it has 100+ patterns and continues growing!
Unopinionated utilities for resizeable split views
翻译 - 未感染的实用程序,可调整大小的拆分视图
Provides HTML UI layout for Angular applications; using Flexbox and a Responsive API
翻译 - 为Angular应用程序提供HTML UI布局;使用Flexbox和响应式API
Most of the React Native styling material in one page
free flexbox templates built with the bulma css framework
翻译 - 使用bulma CSS框架构建的免费flexbox模板
🎨 user interfaces for react-three-fiber
A high performance rust-powered UI layout library
A CSS grid framework using Flexbox. Only 321 bytes (Gzipped).
翻译 - 使用Flexbox的CSS网格框架。仅321个字节(压缩)。
#IOS#FlexLayout adds a nice Swift interface to the highly optimized facebook/yoga flexbox implementation. Concise, intuitive & chainable syntax.