A Reliable, Flexible, Fast and Powerful download engine.
翻译 - 可靠,灵活,快速和强大的下载引擎。
一个多彩、轻松上手、体验完善,具有强大自定义功能的WordPress主题(基于Sakura主题,支持简繁英日多语言)A Colorful, Easy-to-use, Perfect Experience, and Powerful Customizable WordPress Theme (Based on Theme Sakura. Support Simplified Chinese, Tra...
#大语言模型#🎨 一款基于WordPress开发的高颜值的自适应主题,支持白天与黑夜模式/无刷新加载/第三方登录等众多功能 | A high-value adaptive theme based on WordPress, supports light and dark modes, no refresh loading, etc.
UCI xiangqi engine
A stylish yet powerful GitHub client for Windows
List of plugins to turn godot into a most powerful engine that already is.
A scary 👻 powerful toolbox 🧰 for Home Assistant 🏡
⚡ A Molecular State Engine for React
Introducing Venocyber md bot your personal chuddybuddy md you were looking for this is most powerful Whatsapp chat bot created to ensure your WhatsApp personal requirements you are all in one ✍️👋👋
A C++20 header-only library that supports powerful reflection for C++
Export excel to xml, json, lua, etc., and automatically generate the read code.
#下载器#pluggable Telegram Bot based on Pyrogram
Powerful DDoS Attack
Extend python lists operations using .NET's LINQ syntax for clean and fast coding.
An experimental programming language that's made to be powerful, productive, and predictable
#自然语言处理#The Libre Multilingual Analyzer, a Natural Language Processing (NLP) C++ toolkit.
❤️ Stable and lovely router for `koa`, using `path-match`. Foundation for building powerful, flexible and RESTful APIs easily.
Ⓒ𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐁𝐨𝐭🌻𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢-𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞: is a whatsapp user-bot with automation, moderation, music, games and 200+ commands!