#学习与技能提升#Learn Flexbox in 30 days with 30 code tidbits ✨
flex.css is declarative layout which is compatible with wechat, UC, webview and other main-stream mobile browser and surpports react, vue, angular.
翻译 - flex.css是声明性布局,与微信,UC,webview和其他主流移动浏览器兼容,并且支持反应,提示,角度。
Lyrics King is React Native song lyrics search app, built with Expo. Designed with Adobe XD.
Myflix, a Netflix clone!
#UI框架#Material Design Components, Responsive and Modern CSS Framework Built with Flexbox 🍰
翻译 - 使用Flexbox构建的材料设计组件,响应式和现代CSS框架🍰
A pocket-sized grid system built on the flex display property.
Lightweight column grid with the power of flexbox
#UI框架#Fluid Flex Solution for making infinite grid columns.
翻译 - Fluid Flex解决方案,用于制造无限的网格列。
30 Days Of CSS is a challenge to help you improve your coding skills by doing mini daily projects using HTML and CSS.
Flexy is minimal CSS framework made with Flex
🚀 Una colección de tips para ayudarte a mejorar sus habilidades de CSS 🪐
#前端开发#Video streaming website Netflix Frontend clone, Built with Pure CSS3 using Flexbox, JS dependencies: OwlCarousel and JQuery
#UI框架#The Flex Grid is a responsive CSS flexbox grid. Because we can!
Код учебного курса “CSS Flexbox” на YouTube-канале webDev (https://tinyurl.com/e4jhsxpj)
Demonstration content of Flexbox.ninja website. See https://flexbox.ninja/
CSS layout components that (basically) horizontally and vertically stack anything.
⚡ A Guide for the concept of Flexbox and responsive design. Simply set the attributes as you needed and copy the CSS code. 🎉
A full stack Netflix Clone using React, Firebase & Material-UI..