⚡️Lightning-fast linter for .env files. Written in Rust 🦀
"Windows 11 Drag & Drop to the Taskbar (Fix)" fixes the missing "Drag & Drop to the Taskbar" support in Windows 11. It works with the new Windows 11 taskbar and does not require nasty changes like Und...
翻译 - “Windows 11 拖放至任务栏(修复)”修复了 Windows 11 中缺失的“拖放至任务栏”支持。它适用于新的 Windows 11 任务栏,不需要像 UndockingDisabled 或恢复经典那样讨厌的更改任务栏。
Unofficial fix for PC version of Metal Gear Solid 2
一键修复与安装脚本(各种linux系统修复与服务器环境安装脚本) One-click repair and installation scripts (various linux system repair and server environment installation scripts)
Modern open source C++ FIX framework featuring complete schema customisation, high performance and fast development.
financial exchange written in Go, designed for algorithmic trading tests
MBPMid2010_GPUFix is an utility program that allows to fix MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010) intermittent black screen or loss of video. The algorithm is based on a solution provided by user fabiorobert...
Fixes the Sound Quality of AirPods when connected to a Mac.
Simple FIX protocol implementation for Python
Need for Speed Heat, CPU 90-100% load fix (script, windows)
#安卓#Fix edittext lineHeight and cursor length when set lineSpacingExtra or lineSpacingMultiplier
Manual method for fixing missing Microsoft Store application icons when searching in Windows.
App to add websites/software/files/folders/scripts to the Windows 10 Start Menu and Taskbar, and priority shortcuts to Windows 10 Search.
翻译 - 该应用程序可将网站/软件/文件/文件夹/脚本添加到Windows 10开始菜单和任务栏,以及Windows 10搜索的优先级快捷方式。