#Awesome#A list of awesome resources for Playdate (https://play.date) game development and the Playdate SDK (https://play.date/dev/)
MBPMid2010_GPUFix is an utility program that allows to fix MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010) intermittent black screen or loss of video. The algorithm is based on a solution provided by user fabiorobert...
A barely functional, wildly incomplete and basically undocumented Rust crate whose aim is to let you write Games for the Playdate handheld gaming system in Rust.
A "panic button" app for triggering a "ripple effect" across apps that are set up to respond to panic events
This template will help you with autocompletion and running your code in simulator. Windows & Linux.
Automatic panic monitoring for Go and Go web frameworks, like negroni, gin, and revel
A collection of commonly loved themes ported for the new Coda 2 from Panic
This is the full file system fuzzing framework that I presented at the Hack in the Box 2020 Lockdown Edition conference in April.
A wrapper for cargo to use creating games for the Playdate handheld gaming system.
An example of how to use the Crankstart crate to write games for the Playdate handheld gaming system in Rust
GFXP is a useful lib & tool for working with patterns for Playdate console
#安全#A PAM module that protects sensitive data and provides a panic function for emergency situations. Authentication through passwords or removable media.
panicrecovery is a Go package that provides middleware for recovering from panics in both HTTP and gRPC servers. This middleware helps ensure that server doesn't crash when an unexpected panic occurs,...
Final Snapshot Of God's Fourth Temple