A latest buildable and debuggable Objective-C runtime (objc4-818.2) project.
#IOS#GeoSn0w's OpenJailbreak Project, an open-source iOS 11 to iOS 13 Jailbreak project & vault.
翻译 - GeoSn0w的OpenJailbreak项目,一个开源的iOS 11至iOS 13 Jailbreak项目和库。
#IOS#A WIP "Vulnerable by Design" kext for iOS/macOS to play & learn *OS kernel exploitation
翻译 - 适用于iOS / macOS的WIP“易受设计攻击” kext,用于播放和学习* OS内核开发
#IOS#An Open-Source iOS 11.0 -> 11.4.1 (soon iOS 13) Jailbreak, made for teaching purposes.
翻译 - 一个开放源代码的iOS 11.0-> 11.4.1(很快的iOS 13)越狱,用于教学目的。
Research into porting the XNU kernel to ARM devices.
Efforts to build and run XNU (macOS Kernel)/Hackintosh on Raspberry Pi 3
A script for automatically compiling xnu and it's dependencies works for 10.13 High Sierra+ source code from Apple Inc.
#IOS#Scripts + patches to pwn vma2 (Virtualization.framework) macOS virtual machines
#IOS#XNU Image Fuzzer - iOS App for Fuzzing Images with Objective-C Code covering 12 CGCreateBitmap & CGColorSpace Functions working with Raw Data and String Injection.