The Discord terminal client you never knew you wanted.
翻译 - 您从不知道想要的Discord终端客户端。
Yet another general purpose discord bot
翻译 - 另一个通用不和谐机器人
#下载器#A Discord bot program to download and otherwise handle files sent in Discord channels with extensive configuration. Can be used as a genuine Discord Bot or user account / self-bot
WhatsAppToDiscord is a Discord bot that uses WhatsApp Web as a bridge between Discord and WhatsApp.
Slack/Discord bot for running interactive REPLs and shells from a chat.
シンプル - Discord Bot with role selection, moderation, karma ranking, a starboard, code execution, raid alerting, backups, a web interface, twitch notifications and more!
Discord C2 for Redteam....Need a better name
Discordgo Voice - A sub project to work on voice implementation for Discordgo
A Discord bot for managing ephemeral roles based upon voice channel member presence.
router to help speed up bot development in discordgo
🤖 The new bot for the I.O.I discord and some other (Kpop) discords!
CJ is a Discord bot that hangs around in the community discord.
configurable, scalable and automatic sharding library for discordgo
Discord bot for Impact