The app enables tracking coivid vaccine availability and automatically book a vaccination slot. This is based on Cowin API and supports the recently added Captcha code of Cowin.
翻译 - 该应用程序可以跟踪可用性并自动预订疫苗接种位。这基于Cowin API,并支持最近添加的Cowin验证码。
Cross-Platform Software to Fetch the Available Slots & Book the Appointment for COVID-19 Vaccination
翻译 - 控制台应用程序获取可用插槽并预订COVID-19疫苗接种的预约时间表,共同获胜 web site
Translations for Findadoc Japan
Database Management Systems Project using Java and MySQL
AUTOVSB - AUTO Vaccine Slot Booker
Notifies you through Telegram message about Vaccine vacancy in a particular district if available.
CLI command to continuously check for Vaccine appointments and get notified on WhatsApp/Telegram. You can even create a Telegram channel to notify your friends/relatives
This web API application facilitate the citizen with an option to register and schedule the vaccination session online in Centers of their choice.
A simple Flutter app to find the vaccine near you.
Chrome extension to automatically search for open vaccine bookings on the COVax ON portal (
Automatic booking cowin slots using Python Script
Get notified on your phone and computer when there is a vaccine slot available at your location, by running a script on your computer.
A Twitter bot that notifies users about available vaccine appointments
Repository to convert vaccine appointment booking URL from telegram to final step URL of app
Python Script to notify you via your telegram bot about vaccine availability on
Vaccine Center Finder, Users can search for the covid centers based on filter crieteria. e.g. given pincode range ( 110001-1100034), min age limit (18 or 45), only shows where available capacity is gr...
Vaccine Slot Availability Finder
💉 govaccine monitors and automatically books appointment slots for COVID-19 shots (both first shot and booster shot) in France 🇫🇷 .
CoWIN autobook application for android which can automatically book vaccination slot on availability.