spree 是一个开源电商平台框架,模块化、可定制,使用 Ruby 开发
Mailchimp Open Commerce is an API-first, headless commerce platform built using Node.js, React, GraphQL. Deployed via Docker and Kubernetes.
翻译 - Reaction是使用Node.js,React,GraphQL构建的API优先,无头的商务平台。通过Docker和Kubernetes部署。
Laravel ecommerce package for ultra fast online shops, scalable marketplaces, complex B2B applications and #gigacommerce
翻译 - Laravel电子商务软件包,用于专业,超快速的网上商店,复杂的B2B应用程序和#gigacommerce
Aimeos PHP e-commerce framework for ultra fast online shops, scalable marketplaces, complex B2B applications and #gigacommerce
Sharetribe Go is Sharetribe's old source-available marketplace software, which was also available as a hosted SaaS product. Sharetribe Go is no longer actively maintained.
翻译 - Sharetribe Go是一个可用的市场软件,也可用于SaaS模型。另请参阅Sharetribe Flex(https://www.sharetribe.com/flex),无头市场解决方案。
Open source, headless, multi-tenant eCommerce platform built with .NET Core, MongoDB, AWS DocumentDB, Azure CosmosDB, Vue.js.
翻译 - 基于ASP.NET CORE和MongoDB的免费开源电子商务购物车解决方案
Ever® Demand™ - Open Commerce Platform - https://everdemand.co
Applications self-hosting and DevOps platform for running open source, web-based linux Panel of lite PaaS
An open-source registry for VS Code extensions
Open Source eCommerce Platform on .NET Core, MongoDB, AWS DocumentDB, Azure CosmosDB, LiteDB
翻译 - 基于 ASP.NET CORE 和 MongoDB、Azure CosmosDB、Amazon DocumentDB 的免费开源电子商务购物车解决方案
#Awesome#💰 Billing & Payments knowledge for cloud platforms
Enatega is a fully realized and customizable food delivery application that can be used to set up your own order/delivery management system. For more information, visit the Enatega product page: 🚀🛒�...
#新手入门#👐 Cocorico is an open source marketplace solution for services and rentals. More information right here: https://www.cocorico.io/ 🚀 Cocorico is also available in an off-the-shelf SaaS package, check...
翻译 - ☑Cocorico是用于服务和租赁的开源市场解决方案。此处提供更多信息:https://www.cocorico.io/cn/♡♡♡我们正在招聘(欢迎通勤):
A platform to create an online marketplace
翻译 - 创建在线市场的平台
Free and open-source webshop solution for hostings
TYPO3 e-commerce extension for ultra fast online shops, scalable marketplaces, complex B2B applications and #gigacommerce
翻译 - TYPO3 电子商务扩展,适用于专业、超快速的在线商店、复杂的 B2B 应用程序和#gigacommerce
Symfony e-commerce bundle for professional, ultra fast online shops, complex B2B applications and #gigacommerce
Monorepo for our developer tools and decentralized marketplace application
#IOS#Sample on-demand platform built on Stripe: Connect onboarding for pilots, iOS app for passengers to request rides.
Example Storefront is Reaction Commerce’s headless ecommerce storefront - Next.js, GraphQL, React. Built using Apollo Client and the commerce-focused React UI components provided in the Storefront Com...