Modular logistics and supply chain operating system (LSOS)
Traefik ondemand service for the traefik ondemand plugin
Flexy.AssetRefs provides an efficient way to indirectly reference assets and scenes, offering cleaner alternative to Unity Addressables. Designed for flexibility, it is easy to use right from the prot...
Automatisiert das Nachbuchen von Datenvolumen für SIM24- und 1&1-Unlimited-OnDemand-Tarife mit Docker.
Gucamole-trigger is a plugin for guacamole that makes it possible to start and stop you remote desktop on demand. You can wright you own scripts that fits your environment.
This is the Sendy Woocommerce Plugin for Sendy Public API. When installed in an e-commerce website, it can be used in the checkout process to estimate and determine the cost of shipping to the client...
Gojek is a leading Indonesian on-demand platform connecting users to multiple local services. Seeing the immense success of such super-apps, Zipprr offers a fully featured Gojek clone script to help o...
#IOS#RxOnDemandResources (based on RxSwift)
Re-port of the OnDemand (RIP) Chili VLIW architecture to gcc-8.4 as a COVID-19 countermeassure
Rotor craft's on demand availability estimation using petrinets
A sample application of the "on-demand" approach to Dependency Injection.
#数据仓库#Geographische Darstellung der Haltestellen welche durch die Aktiv Bus GmbH in Flensburg bedient werden.
The Handy Clone Solution for On-Demand Dominance! Handy Clone is a robust solution empowering entrepreneurs to launch their own on-demand service marketplace, revolutionizing the way home services are...
#安卓#Gojek Clone to Start Ondemand Business! Gojek Clone app to get encompass taxi booking, on-demand delivery, and 50+ other services today. Purchase our Gojek clone script for Android and iOS, offering 1...