The food ordering & delivery application designed based on the real-life scenario. Anyone can use this code on their own purpose. If you are interested please make your contribution to the code.
Enatega is a fully realized and customizable food delivery application that can be used to set up your own order/delivery management system. For more information, visit the Enatega product page: 🚀🛒�...
万岳同城外卖(food delivery) 系统开源版,前端uniapp+后台php搭建,系统包含商家端、配送端、用户端以及总管理后台、城市配送后台
A fully functional and white label food delivery solution. Capable of building your own food delivery application! Includes customer, rider and restaurant apps.
Flutter Food Delivery Application design and Animation - day 3
暹罗点餐是一款Java餐饮点餐系统,适用于多门店的连锁品牌,对标蜜雪冰城、瑞幸咖啡。该系统包含用户端、商家端、配送端以及总管理后台,美食下单、外卖配送、连锁餐饮和扫码点餐等核心功能,同时提供积分商城、会员中心和邀请好友注册返现等增值服务,以拓展客源。基于 Spring Boot + MyBatis Plus + Vue & Element + uni-app 技术栈进行开发;
#安卓#🍣 Japanese restaurant app built in flutter using GetX | Bloc | Cubit | Provider
#安卓#Swiggy Clone with React-Native
暹罗外卖是一款Java外卖配送系统,适用于多商户入驻,对标美团外卖、饿了么。该系统包含用户端、商家端、配送端以及总管理后台,美食下单、外卖配送和扫码点餐等核心功能,同时提供积分商城、会员中心和邀请好友注册返现等增值服务,以拓展客源。未来可进一步开发同城配送跑腿等功能。基于 Spring Cloud & Alibaba + Vue & Element + uni-app 技术栈进行开发;
An Uber Eats-style food delivery platform, running Medusa 2.0 and Next.js 14.
A basic food delivery app, which also has a Google Map integrated on it developed using flutter.
Open Source food delivery and local shopping app !
E-Commerce demo project. Food delivery application project made with.
Food Delivery App made by Flutter and Bloc
Peer-to-peer location services for the decentralized web -- discover what's around you, no central authority required
Online Food Order App on React Native using Typescript. It is a hot tutorial series on youtube where you can learn how to make apps like Uber Eats from the sketch. We have covered all the advanced top...
A Food Delivery App in Flutter
This is a food app using flutter. This app includes the category, filter food, mark as favorite, etc.
#安卓#Munche is a 🍔 food delivery android application made in Java and Kotlin using the Firebase Suite and Mapbox Map Integration.