Distributed, in-memory key/value store and cache. It can be used as an embedded Go library and a language-independent service.
翻译 - 分布式缓存和内存键/值数据存储。它既可以用作嵌入式Go库,也可以用作独立于语言的服务。
Declare your digital independence
A secure, anonymous, peer-to-peer, instant messenger!
Implementation of Chord DHT(Distributed Hash Table) paper
Peer-to-peer location services for the decentralized web -- discover what's around you, no central authority required
Your internet-wide general-purpose DHT to store key/value pairs
Go: A distributed, in-memory key-value storage.
Fairly basic redis-like hashmap implementation on top of a epoll TCP server.
A peer-to-peer networking framework to work across languages
Implementation of Chord - A Distributed Hash Table in Rust
Asyncio Bittorrent DHT server
This repository is created as a part of the P2p project for Computer Networks (CNT5106C) at the University of Florida for the Master's in Computer Science program. A simplified P2p network where any n...
Bittorrent DHT Tracker - local tracker for bittorent client and mainline dht client.
Pastry DHT implementation with a standalone libp2p compatible node
Implementation of classic distributed algorithms: membership, failure detection, quorum, replication etc.
Rust implementation of a kademlia DHT
Dependency-free decentralized peer-to-peer network for storage and communication based on the Kademlia distributed hash table.