Go package implementing Bloom filters, used by Milvus and Beego.
翻译 - 去实现Bloom过滤器的软件包
Go: A distributed, in-memory key-value storage.
Privacy-preserving Firefox extension linking to Hacker News discussion; built with Bloom filters and WebAssembly
modular k-mer count matrix and Bloom filter construction for large read collections
#算法刷题#Leverage the power of modern C++ to build robust and scalable applications
The most advanced bitcoin hacking system on the planet. It works, and it will find 'lost' bitcoins all day long.
Extremely fast Bloom filters for Go
implementations of a counting bloom, a timing bloom and a scaling timing bloom... made for working with streams!
High-speed Bloom filters and taffy filters for C, C++, and Java
An in-memory bloom filter with persistence and HTTP interface
Implementing a Cuckoo filter, based on the paper Cuckoo Filter: Practically Better Than Bloom
XDP for Water Torture Attack Mitigation within Authoritative DNS Servers
Benchmarking Bloom, Cuckoo, Morton, and PD based filter.
A fast and space-efficient pre-filter for estimating the quantification of very large collections of nucleotide sequences