IP lookup by favicon using Shodan
翻译 - 使用Shodan从favicon进行IP查找
Dynatrace hash library for Java
A fast bloom filter implemented by Rust for Python! 10x faster than pybloom!
A Python extension module of MurmurHash3 developed using a mix of C language and Cython. 最快的MurmurHash3算法,C+Cython混合实现,用于文本指纹计算及布隆过滤器去重
Extremely fast MurmurHash implementation with zero heap allocations
MurmurHash3 x64 128-bit - a fast, non-cryptographic hash function
Fast non-cryptographic hash, with the benchmarks to prove it.
Go Fast Object Map based on Murmur3 HashFunction
A JavaScript module for generating random seeded distributions and its statistical analysis.
#️⃣ MurmurHash is a non-cryptographic hash function suitable for general hash-based lookup.
Mirror of SMHasher3 repo from official Gitlab site. Submit all issues and PRs there, not on Github!
Non-cryptographic hash functions for Pharo Smalltalk
DKD miscellaneous for Clojure development