MinHash, LSH, LSH Forest, Weighted MinHash, HyperLogLog, HyperLogLog++, LSH Ensemble and HNSW
HyperLogLog with lots of sugar (Sparse, LogLog-Beta bias correction and TailCut space reduction) brought to you by Axiom
JS implementation of probabilistic data structures: Bloom Filter (and its derived), HyperLogLog, Count-Min Sketch, Top-K and MinHash
Distributed caching based on StackExchange.Redis and Redis. Includes support for tagging and is cluster-compatible.
Fast and accurate genomic distances using HyperLogLog
翻译 - 使用HyperLogLog进行快速准确的基因组距离
C++ Implementations of sketch data structures with SIMD Parallelism, including Python bindings
Sketching Algorithms for Clojure (bloom filter, min-hash, hyper-loglog, count-min sketch)
Dynatrace hash library for Java
Performant implementations of various streaming algorithms, including Count–min sketch, Top k, HyperLogLog, Reservoir sampling.
A probabilistic data structures library for C#
Yet another distributed fault-tolerant key-value database Compatible with Redis written in Golang.
Paper about the estimation of cardinalities from HyperLogLog sketches
HyperLogLog cardinality estimation algorithm in go/golang!
The dream accurate approximate set cardinality estimator based on 3-bit HyperLogLog. More accurate than Redis HyperLogLog.