一个近似最近邻(ANN) C++/Python库,针对内存使用以及磁盘加载/保存操作进行了优化。
MinHash, LSH, LSH Forest, Weighted MinHash, HyperLogLog, HyperLogLog++, LSH Ensemble and HNSW
FAst Lookups of Cosine and Other Nearest Neighbors (based on fast locality-sensitive hashing)
#算法刷题#Open source audio fingerprinting in .NET. An efficient algorithm for acoustic fingerprinting written purely in C#.
#自然语言处理#Selected Machine Learning algorithms for natural language processing and semantic analysis in Golang
Elasticsearch plugin for nearest neighbor search. Store vectors and run similarity search using exact and approximate algorithms.
Go to: https://github.com/alexklibisz/elastiknn
JavaScript port of TLSH (Trend Micro Locality Sensitive Hash)
#计算机科学#Scalable and Sustainable Deep Learning via Randomized Hashing
An implementation of efficient LSH inspired by fruit fly brain
#搜索#Dice.com repo to accompany the dice.com 'Vectors in Search' talk by Simon Hughes, from the Activate 2018 search conference, and the 'Searching with Vectors' talk from Haystack 2019 (US). Builds upon m...
Learning M-Way Tree - Web Scale Clustering - EM-tree, K-tree, k-means, TSVQ, repeated k-means, bitwise clustering
Near-duplicate image detection using Locality Sensitive Hashing
#计算机科学#One-Shot Learning using Nearest-Neighbor Search (NNS) and Locality-Sensitive Hashing LSH
locality sensitive hashing (LSHASH) for Python3
Fast and precise comparison of genomes and metagenomes (in the order of terabytes) on a typical personal laptop
Quickly estimate the similarity between many sets
SetSketch: Filling the Gap between MinHash and HyperLogLog