Python code for common Machine Learning Algorithms
#自然语言处理#A Toolkit for Industrial Topic Modeling
翻译 - 工业主题建模工具包
#网络爬虫#Social media (Weibo) comments analyzing toolbox in Chinese 微博评论分析工具, 实现功能: 1.微博评论数据爬取; 2.分词与关键词提取; 3.词云与词频统计; 4.情感分析; 5.主题聚类
#自然语言处理#Selected Machine Learning algorithms for natural language processing and semantic analysis in Golang
中文文本生成(NLG)之文本摘要(text summarization)工具包, 语料数据(corpus data), 抽取式摘要 Extractive text summary of Lead3、keyword、textrank、text teaser、word significance、LDA、LSI、NMF。(graph,feature,topic model,summarize tool ...
A Julia package for multivariate statistics and data analysis (e.g. dimension reduction)
#计算机科学#Solutions to labs and excercises from An Introduction to Statistical Learning, as Jupyter Notebooks.
#自然语言处理#LDA topic modeling for node.js
#计算机科学#Using advanced control and computer vision techniques in an easy way for embedded
#人脸识别#Implement face recognition using PCA, LDA and LPP
Gibbs sampler for the Hierarchical Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic model
#计算机科学#Data Science algorithms and topics that you must know. (Newly Designed) Recommender Systems, Decision Trees, K-Means, LDA, RFM-Segmentation, XGBoost in Python, R, and Scala.
#自然语言处理#A PureScript, browser-based implementation of LDA topic modeling.
#自然语言处理#无监督中文关键词抽取(Keyphrase Extraction),基于统计,基于图【LDA与PageRank(TextRank, TPR, Salience Rank, Single TPR等)】,基于嵌入【SIFRank等】,开箱即用!
#计算机科学#Rates the quality of a candidate based on his/her resume using unsupervised approaches
#自然语言处理#A Multilingual Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) Pipeline with Stop Words Removal, n-gram features, and Inverse Stemming, in Python.