木及简历,一款markdown的在线简历工具。 https://www.mujicv.com
A customizable web-based template editor utilizing Javascript, designed to create personalized resumes and letters in a variety of formats.
#计算机科学#Rates the quality of a candidate based on his/her resume using unsupervised approaches
Resumes of IITB students placed in 2020-21
Visual tools to easily edit a json-ld resume on the web using a modern web browser, or create your own resume from scratch using several well-designed themes.
The invoice, document, and resume parser powered by AI.
For FUN! Use at your own risk. No warranties, no exceptions.
A software solution to extract structured information from résumés using conditional random fields.
This repo contains a simple HTML/CSS/JS repo for showcasing my skills, experience, and achievements. This open-source resume has added features such as audio on image click, a mobile device unavailabl...
Host your own resume without any server or domain, simply by forking this repository and in 7 steps.
All versions of my resume are archived here.
a webpage to showcase my experience, education, skill-set, projects, certificates, achievements, and recommendations.
A simple tool to parse and extract data from a resume.
Simple Personal Website Template, built with bootstrap and vite js project.