Omniscient Mozart, being able to transcribe everything in the music, including vocal, drum, chord, beat, instruments, and more.
翻译 - 无所不知的莫扎特,能够转录音乐中的一切,包括声乐、鼓、和弦、节拍、乐器等。
This is a piano software that analyzes what chords you are playing in real time by algorithms based on music theory. This piano software supports MIDI keyboard, computer keyboard, play and analyze MID...
libfmp - Python package for teaching and learning Fundamentals of Music Processing (FMP)
Implementation of Chord DHT(Distributed Hash Table) paper
The definitive chord symbol parser and renderer for Javascript/NodeJS.
A tiny menu bar app detecting the chords of the songs you are listening on iTunes or Spotify.
💎 Cutting edge transport framework vanishing borders between frontend and backend
#学习与技能提升#A tool to experiment with music harmony, learn music theory and compose music.
Java utility for creating scales and chords and displaying them with any fretboard layout
Fretboard diagram generator for fretted stringed instruments.
#安卓#Android musical application with real-time chord recognition.
Implementation of Chord - A Distributed Hash Table in Rust
Autonomous distributed key-value store which has REST interfaces implemented in Rust
A simple Scala implementation of Chord, a distributed lookup protocol
Draw guitar chord diagrams for all variations of any chord and also display finger positions etc.
#IOS#Mobile app library for musical chord recognition and generation