spree 是一个开源电商平台框架,模块化、可定制,使用 Ruby 开发
#博客#Monologue is a basic blogging engine. It is a Rails mountable engine you can mount in your already existing Rails app, or a in a new one! Enjoy.
I18n translation files for Spree Commerce.
翻译 - Spree Commerce的I18n转换文件。
Huge collection of payment gateways for @spree. Stripe, Braintree, Apple Pay, Authorize.net and many others!
翻译 - 社区维护的网关集合,用于Spree
#Awesome#A leaderboard of the top open-source e-commerce platforms. Promoting the bests for building reliable stores.
Provides authentication (user accounts, login & signup) for @spree by using Devise
Spree Storefront API JavaScript / TypeScript SDK
ReactJS front-end for spree commerce. Demo Details -->
Vue Storefront 2 Integration for Spree
Official Braintree + PayPal integration gem for Spree Commerce
Admin Roles And Access for Spree
A spree extension that provides support for stipe connect onboarding or spree vendor payout onboarding.
#博客#A spree extension that provides ability to add notes to any table.
Weight based calculator for Spree Commerce.
This extension provides extensive and targeted reports for the Admin. Which products were viewed the most yesterday, which brand is most popular in a particular geography, which user is a consistent b...